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Stress is the body of a response in the face many demands in life. The claims may be the things that come from outside (eg: letters of outstanding bank loans, friends, job, or relationship with the spouse), or may also come from the mind (eg: how the self-evaluation). Stress is often labeled as a bad thing. But surely everyone needs a little pressure so they have a better life.

Techniques to overcome stress is healthy, among other things:

1. A short sleep
A short sleep for 30-45 minutes to refresh the body back. Famous people who use sleep to deal with stress is the day John F. Kennedy, Thomas Edison and Salvador Dali.

2. Massage
You can visit a specialist professional massage or ask a spouse or friend to massage the neck muscles and your shoulder.

3. Express themselves in artistic
Be one of the creative and move your energy positively. You can try to learn akting, or play a musical instrument, take pictures, draw, write poetry or sing. Music is a media pereda stress very well. Play a musical instrument or just simply listening to music helps to relieve stress.

4. Frequent laughter
This method is not a secret anymore. Laughing may cause stress that is facing a lighter. Always show your diwajah pleasant expression.

5. Be gentle on yourself
Whether realized or not, in fact we constantly talk to ourselves. Talking to yourself shows behavior and self-image. You can change both these things through positive talk to yourself. In fact, these discussions may result in changes to the body kimiawi profitable, by activating the nervous system that cause relaxation. On the other hand, the negative talk to yourself will result in stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and cause the body to feel exhausted.