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Obesity among children is now reaching alarming levels. Children who drink a carbonated beverage cans (325 milliliters) a day had about 10 percent of energy compared with other children. This energy (which comes from sugar), if not used, will be stored in the body as fat.

The study published in the journal General Dentistry found that drinking carbonated beverages habits may increase the problem of damage and decay.

Not only sugar is a factor causing tooth decay, but the acid content in carbonated drinks can weaken and erode the enamel layer (outer layer) on the teeth. This accelerated the process of tooth decay.

"According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), sugar intake should not exceed 10 percent of calories a person needs. For example, if someone needs calories is 2000 calories, the amount of sugar that can be taken is less than 200 calories, which is about 10 teaspoon of sugar.

This amount includes hidden sugars. This is the amount of food obtained from each of us, whether in tea, coffee or sugary foods at breakfast, breakfast food, lunch, afternoon tea meal and dinner.

"A carbonated beverage cans containing between six and 10 teaspoons of sugar. This means that, if we drink a carbonated beverage cans, we have reached the recommended dose of sugar.

"The problem is that too much intake of sugar is common in the festive season. Virtually every house serving carbonated beverages. That's not taking into account the content of sugar in cakes, cookies or other dishes," he said.

Many people thought why not to drink a carbonated beverage cans, as long as it is accompanied by several glasses of plain water. They believe that plain water will "dilute" the concentration of carbonated beverages.

In fact, this assumption is wrong and should be corrected immediately. No matter how much plain water drink, the sugar content of carbonated beverages into the body remains the same. Standing above the level of our daily needs. This problem is getting worse with sweet foods such as cakes and holiday cookies.

To reduce the amount of sugar taken, reduce the intake of carbonated beverages is the most practical way.

It can be mixed or blended with water and shared a drink together. However, if the mixed water is spent alone, sugar that enters the body remains the same, ranging from six to 10 teaspoons.

Among children, the carbonated drink too much cause they lack drinking plain water or nutritious beverages like milk. In addition to sugar, many cola drinks include caffeine as a flavor enhancer. Caffeine is a 'stimulant' that makes us addicted to drink more and often.

Many studies have found that caffeine increased the production of calcium from the bones, causing us vulnerable to the problem of rotting bones or osteoporosis if taken long term.

Thus, if we can, on this festive season to avoid taking too many carbonated drinks, instead replaced with other options such as tea or fruit juice.

Unfortunately, the culture of our people who received only the host serving drinks may aggravate the situation, especially among diabetics.

In this case, Ho suggests people confess to your home or ask for another drink (plain water is the best choice) instead. In fact, as the host, we must be concerned about the health of people.

Parents should educate children about the dangers of drinking too many carbonated beverages.

At the same time, they also must be an example to children by adopting drink lots of plain water.