Greetings, Many of us often experience cough, which may affect the activity of our daily, cough will also cause pain in the stomach and itching in the throat. Try to follow these tips:
Take a little crust of rice and soak in warm water. When the crust fluffy rice, drinking water. Practice every morning.
Boil some seeds ripe bananas. Once soft add the coconut milk and salt to taste and a little vanilla flavoring. After 20 minutes, eat just by adding a little sugar. In addition you get the pleasure of your voice is recovering.
Pound a handful of pennywort leaves, very finely and strained to get the condensed water. Combine with sugar and embunkan for one night. Drink twice a week.
Mix two teaspoons of honey (make sure it is genuine) with warm water. Stir until smooth. Then drink three times a day.
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