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vagina hygiene

Posted by success fitness | 7:15 AM

Women who give birth normally exposed to the risk of tearing during delivery, or episiotomy wound. There is some tearing of the tear-off labor only on the skin so the skin and muscle tearing vagina (perineal tear).

Usually these wounds are sewn with thread type of cat gut or vicryl threads made of a protein and would be destroyed and disappeared by itself after 10 to 12 days and the wound healed within 20 days if properly maintained.

Vaginal discharge along with odor and itching indicates an infection in the wound or infection in the vaginal delivery itself. If this problem occurs, you should consult a doctor other than to keep them clean well maintained vagina using vaginal washing fluid.

If accompanied by a feeling of aching pain may indicate a birth injury has not healed properly. However, it is also influenced by psychological and fear or phobia suffered by you and the problem will usually resolve themselves slowly.