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Sexual intercourse or orgasm did not harm your unborn baby because of cervical mucus from the mother (womb mouth) that help fight against bacteria or infection that would go into the door of the womb . Baby in the womb we are in the womb and fetal membrane fluid and uterus and stomach muscles strong to protect the baby in the process of pregnancy.

However, the pregnancy will be included in the risk of pregnancy if there are complications or have symptoms that have never encountered before, or you feel like feeling pain, contraction, or bleeding you should immediately consult a doctor before you do denga sexual relationship again.

Usually the doctor will advise you not to do sex in cases of pregnancy following:

   1. Threat of loss or had suffered a miscarriage.
   2. Placenta is below (placenta previa)
   3. Premature birth history (pre-mature)
   4. Vaginal bleeding or fluid out of an unknown cause.
   5. STD or sexually transmitted diseases.

If you still hesitate to do sex during pregnancy, do not you feel embarrassed to discuss with your doctor