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Carbonated drinks are popular among the public. No matter the season, drink a meal, especially when visiting fast food outlets. Come with different brands of carbonated beverages to meals more so during the festive season.

No matter what brand, in general, the contents of carbonated beverages is as much sugar. Usually about health and nutrition aspects are often neglected for a moment during the festive season. Although carbonated beverages out of high sugar content, most of us serving the family or guests without feeling guilty.

Amazing ad that tells the 'fun' and carbonated soft drinks are hard fought.

Even more disturbing, carbonated beverages also became the main attraction in the school canteen, including primary schools.

Knowingly or not, children will become victims because of our negligence. Children between the groups most like to drink carbonated beverages are sometimes direct to reject if given plain water. If you drink even a sip of only two, in fact, after being forced.

The study found that intake of carbonated soft drinks and excess can contribute to health problems, particularly overweight and obesity.

Carbonated beverages actually contain no substance, but a lot of calories come from sugar. A lot of scientific evidence shows that it is directly related to weight gain.

The problem of weight gain is to be a risk factor for diabetes among young adults. Weight gain is a process that always occurs as increasing age. The combination of these two factors also revealed a risk of heart attack and stroke.