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Problems Wind In Body

Posted by success fitness | 6:19 AM

The wind in the body is due to the gas found in the digestive system or gastrointestinal system that is odorless gas that is 99 percent of intestinal gas and waste gas is unpleasant may be caused by gas that is released by bacteria sulfur.Ia in large intestine.

Wind the body caused by gas or wind in the digestive system of the body comes from two sources, namely from the inhaled air and also due to the bacteria found in the intestines besar.Bakteria is due to disruption of food that can not be in hadamkan well.

For someone who has a lot of wind in the body in the body would feel uncomfortable and feel aches throughout the body badan.Bagi easy wind disease entity should be changed daily diet of foods that cause the wind to reduce the loss of beans, vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, bean sprouts, onions and asparagus, pears, apples and peaches, while grains that are the bread wheat.Selain avoid soft drinks and fruit juices and drinks from dairy products.

Not only that but they are always suffering in the wind this body advise many drink water and reduce air you breathe, such as eating slowly and chewing more, avoiding chewing gum menguyah, reduce smoking, and if you have irregular teeth, meet dentist to correct that  also one way. 

Finally, how is the schedule of how much food provided to be windy in the body, and how many times you throw the wind in the day when 14 to 23 times a day it is probably normal, but if you need to see your doctor.